Jumat, 05 September 2008

My Dedicated Server Provider Makes My Life Hard by Ricardo d Argence

Dedicated servers are really all about support nowadays. I was glad when my dedicated server provider wrote to me the other day, so I could explain to him what my problems where.

Subject: Message from your dedicated server provider. ID# 1066019. From: Michael Leven.

Hello. I'm just writing today to make sure everything is going well for you at Liquidweb. Please let me know how things are going for you here and if there's anything I can do for you. Thank you in advance for your time.

Regards, Michael. Technical Sales Engineer.

Subject: Re: Message from your dedicated server provider. ID# 1066019. From: Ricardo d Argence.

Hello Michael, thanks for contacting me. Unfortunately, I have a bunch of problems with liquidweb.com that are starting to get their toll on me. Let me explain some of my issues.

Just the other day one of my servers needed a ram upgrade. I submited a ticket and the ram was installed under 1 hour. 1 hour! I had to stare at the computer screen for the rest of the day doing nothing! Once, one of my technicians erased a client's site by mistake, and support had it restored in 20 minutes! The client didn't even noticed! Where's the rush?

I am becoming boring! All my friends talk about their daily problems at their jobs with clients and providers. When they ask me how my work goes, all I can say is a timid "err, fine. Nothing has happened since I switched to liquidweb". I think I am starting to annoy them. You have to give me some problems to talk about!

My girlfriend is surprised I can spend so much time with her and loves the attention. Now I can't hide saying "I have a server that crashed and have to work on it." She doesn't believe me anymore (it was a mistake to show her the Heroic support guarantee). I am running out of movies to see and places to tak her to eat. How much is she paying you?

I am suffering from a lack of adrenaline rush, and I've had to take up boxing, rock climbing and car racing just to avoid going into shock! My stress level is so low I am slowly turning into a tibetan monk! I hope you can do anything about my situation before it becomes desperate. Now, if you will excuse me I have a plane to catch. I am going skydiving to see if I can get some exciment back into my life.

Regards, Ricardo.

About the Author

We at The Bored IT are suffering from lack of excitement because of our Dedicated Server Provider. Do you want to know why? Visit our site.
Alojate.com is the number one web hosting company in Mexico.

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