Ubid.com has decided to make their site even safer. They have decided to add 3 new steps to their seller signup process. They currently have the following five steps, add a FEIN number or social security number, add a valid credit card, add a dun & bradstreet number, supply 3 business references and add your bank account information. The 3 new steps will be added to this already long process. The first is to add 3 pieces of identification that have pictures and also have your full name, your fathers’ full name and your mothers’ full name. The second will be to buy a retinal scanner so you could log into your account with a retinal scan. Finally, you will have to actually fly to their headquarters and go through random drug and rigorous physical testing. Ubid’s President of cutting oranges, Mrs. Isla Pamaphasse stated that these new measures are important to keep unwanted sellers who are looking to take money away from our honest buyers. She also said that these new measures might reduce the amount of sellers by %95 but it will be all worth it since fraud will be reduce to almost zero.
Please don't sue us!
In light of the ever growing need for alternative and uncorrupted ecommerce venues today it seems only fitting that a site like auctionspoof.com has found a true niche. This site is for fun and at the same time will hopefully shed some insight on the ridiculous and almost comical actions and changes recently implemented to certain venues such as eBay, ioffer, paypal(payment processor) ebay, ecrater and oh yeah did I mention eBay. The stories you will read hear are fictitious and any resemblance to true fact is purely coincidental.
About the Author
Runs many sites including www.digidownload.org www.cashwagman, www.auctionspoof.com, www.metropolife.com, www.moretradingcards.com, www.moretradingcards.org, www.auctionspoof.org, www.digidownload.org/signs.htm, www.ipodtree.com, www.moviengamebuff.com, www.thepostcardstore.net, www.thesportscardstore.com
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